Web Application Vulnerability Scanner
Find and fix vulnerabilities in web applications and underlying infrastructure. Integrate into your DevOps process. Automations and integrations to save you time.
Continuous security for web applications
The complexity of software development means web app vulnerabilities are one of the most popular attack vectors. Intruder integrates into your existing DevOps process and continuously catches vulnerabilities as they’re being discovered.

What is web application vulnerability scanning?
Web application vulnerability scanning finds critical issues in applications and websites that could have serious consequences if left unresolved, including injection flaws, cross-site scripting, and broken authentication.
For example, a SQL injection vulnerability could put your data at risk by enabling an attacker to gain unauthorized access to an application’s database. Web application scanning can also be authenticated, which enables you to scan behind logins by providing credentials.
By automating web application vulnerability testing with a scanner, you can continuously find vulnerabilities to keep your systems and data secure.
Trusted by thousands of companies worldwide

See how easy web application vulnerability scanning can be
Scan your entire web app for security inside and out
Test the security of your web application (including multi-page and single page apps) and their underlying infrastructure in front of and behind login pages. Intruder’s dynamic application security testing (DAST) scanner checks for common vulnerabilities as well as weaknesses in custom software, including zero days. Receive comprehensive reports to demonstrate security to customers, stakeholders and auditors.

Web app security that saves you time
Schedule recurring scans at flexible intervals. Proactive emerging threat scans automatically check your web applications for new vulnerabilities. Intruder intelligently prioritizes your results and provides remediation advice so you can fix what matters most.
Integrations that speed up detection and remediation
Use Intruder's API to integrate with your CI/CD pipeline and automatically find weaknesses earlier in the development lifecycle. Get notified via teams, slack or email when a scan is complete, a risk has been identified or new systems come online to easily stay ahead of potential weaknesses.
Gotta catch 'em all
Automated scanning can help you identify most issues in your web apps and APIs, but manual testing helps to close any additional gaps.
With Intruder's continuous penetration testing service, our experienced penetration testers check your systems for critical vulnerabilities, including ones that are not detectable by automated scanners.

A guide to web app security testing
With web app attacks making up 26% of all breaches, rigorous security testing has never been more important. We explore the most effective ways to secure your applications and answer common misconceptions about web app security.

Read our reviews on G2.com
Yes, you can! Learn all about how to scan SPAs with Intruder here.
Web application vulnerability scanners are a specialized type of vulnerability scanner which focus on finding weaknesses in web applications and websites. Traditionally, they work by ‘crawling’ through a site or application in a similar way as a search engine would, sending a range of probes to each page or form it finds to look for weaknesses.
We believe that continuous web app vulnerability testing is best. Continuous scanning reduces the time to find and fix vulnerabilities, delivers rich threat data and remediation advice, and minimizes your risk by prioritizing threats according to the context of your business needs. Intruder makes it easy to adopt a continuous approach. Learn more.
The two services complement each other, so ideally you should do both for optimal web application security. An experienced penetration tester can find issues that are not detectable by machines, for example, by chaining several minor weaknesses together to discover a hidden critical vulnerability. On the other hand, web application vulnerability scanners can help you automate your security checks and provide continuous protection in the periods between manual in-depth tests.
It’s important to point out though that penetration testers typically perform web app vulnerability scanning as part of a web application penetration testing service, so if you’re just getting started and want to gain an overview of the state of your security, you will benefit from running a vulnerability scan first.
Yes, Intruder checks for thousands of security weaknesses, including OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. However, no automated scanner can check for every OWASP vulnerability – there’s where manual testing, like Intruder’s continuous penetration testing service, comes in.
Authenticated web application scanning allows you to find vulnerabilities which exist behind the login pages of your applications. Each web application is different, but some of the most critical functionality in an application exists behind a login page, such as the ability to add data to your account, edit data, delete data, upload files, interact with other users. As a result, a large percentage of the attack surface of an application can exist behind a login page.
Yes! You can upload your OpenAPI/Swagger API schema to scan your APIs. Learn more about our API scanner.
AppSec is short for application security. It refers to the ongoing process of finding, fixing, and preventing security vulnerabilities in applications, such as carrying out continuous vulnerability scanning.