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Announcing Authenticated Scanning: Enhance Your Web Application Security With More In-depth Checks

Announcing Authenticated Scanning: Enhance Your Web Application Security With More In-depth Checks

Olya Osiagina
March 17, 2022
min read
Today we are thrilled to announce the release of authenticated web application scanning! This new capability allows our customers to ...
How to Keep on Top of Emerging Cyber Threats
Vulnerabilities and Threats

How to Keep on Top of Emerging Cyber Threats

Chris Wallis
January 9, 2022
min read
Every single day around 60 new vulnerabilities are discovered in software used throughout the world. Not all are serious but just one can...
Log4j vulnerability: what is it and how to detect it?
Vulnerabilities and Threats

Log4j vulnerability: what is it and how to detect it?

Andy Hornegold
December 15, 2021
min read
Apache Log4j is a logging package for Java which has been widely adopted and integrated into many applications. Developers need a way of ...
Announcing Changes to our Essential plan

Announcing Changes to our Essential plan

September 28, 2021
min read
To ensure our product keeps pace and remains relevant for our customers and their requirements, we’re always asking for feedback to learn...
Interview With Chris Wallis, the Founder & CEO of Intruder
In the News

Interview With Chris Wallis, the Founder & CEO of Intruder

March 23, 2021
min read
Safety Detectives: What motivated you to start Intruder? Chris Wallis: I was working in a finance organization when a new vulnerability...
9 minutes to breach: the life expectancy of an unsecured MongoDB honeypot
Vulnerabilities and Threats

9 minutes to breach: the life expectancy of an unsecured MongoDB honeypot

Daniel Andrew
July 7, 2020
min read
Our research shows that Mongo databases are subject to continual attacks when exposed to the internet. Attacks are carried out ...
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