Intruder: The very best alternative

Go further than point-in-time pentesting, Intruder helps you manage your attack surface from end-to-end in one platform.

End-to-end vulnerability management offers extensive pentesting services, giving you the the ability to discover, exploit and report common vulnerabilities. That’s great for small businesses, consultants and service providers, but it can get extremely technical when using multiple tools.

Intruder is a simple but powerful alternative, providing comprehensive cyber security for any type of organization. Get attack surface monitoring, vulnerability management, and proactive threat response in one, easy-to-use platform.

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Automated compliance

Audit-ready reports sent automatically to compliance tools.

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Vulnerability management

Scan and manage every asset you have in one, simple platform.

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Reduce your attack surface

Intruder continuously scans your network, kicking off vulnerability scans when it sees a change, an unintentionally exposed service, or an emerging threat.

How Intruder compares to

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Easy to set up
Start scanning in ten minutes.
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Commercially powered scanning
Scan your network with the Tenable scanning engine.
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Continuous pentesting
How often should you be pentesting? (the answer isn’t yearly).
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Top-rated customer support
Customers prefer Intruder customer support.
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Proactive vulnerability protection
Enjoy peace of mind, knowing we’re on the lookout.
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Automated compliance
Send scan evidence directly to Drata & Vanta.
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Integrations with the most-used tools
Ticketing, notifications, compliance, and cloud.
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Advanced reporting & analytics
Go further than point-in-time analysis.

Intruder is easier to use

On G2, customers found Intruder to be very easy to use, set up, and administer. See for yourself how much G2 reviewers likes Intruder.

Add target. Scan now.

Comprehensive scanning you can trust

With, much like with Intruder, you can scan for vulnerabilities in your internal and external network. use a combination of Sniper, Nuclei, and OpenVAS scanners customized by their security team to scan a network. With both, you can download clear reports with detailed scan results.

Both Intruder and scan authenticated and unauthenticated web apps and APIs.

The difference is ease of use. Intruder runs more than 140,000 checks using OpenVas, Nuclei, and Tenable, then collates all of this information into a single, easy-to-use, prioritized dashboard. No need to use a bunch of different scanners, it’s all done for you in your Intruder dashboard.

Continuous pentesting is one of the very best pentest providers for those looking to do point-in-time and ongoing pentesting. They even provide bespoke pentesting services.

But what about year-round, continuous pentesting? Do you lock your door once a quarter, or every night? Point-in-time or quarterly pentests simply don't cut it if you want to be fully secure.

With Intruder’s continuous penetration testing service, you get pentesting performed continuously throughout the year. Feel safe in the knowledge that any high severity weaknesses will be discovered by our expert security team, whenever they arise.

Top-class customer support

In comparison to, reviewers on G2 preferred Intruder on customer support.

With Intruder, you can enjoy "top notch" support from the Intruder team.

Proactive protection has bespoke services for offensive security testing, helping organizations become resilient and snuff out any emerging threats.

In comparison, Intruder’s emerging threat scans (ETS) proactively scan your attack surface when new checks are released without any prompt from you or your team. For unknown threats, Intruder’s team of ethical hackers will scan your systems and directly provide specific remediation advice if your systems are affected.

Intruder is always on in the background, so you can focus on what matters most to you.

Compliance, without the chaos. provides audit-ready reports that you can use to prove you’re compliant. But isn’t compliance difficult and time-consuming? What if you could automate the process?

With Intruder, you can automate your compliance process via our integrations with compliance partners Drata and Vanta.

Show your security posture to auditors, stakeholders and customers with shareable, audit-ready reports, generated automatically.

Superior integrations integrates with Jira, Slack and Webhooks. This comes in very handy when sending pentest reports to colleagues among other things.

Intruder connects your entire organization with ticketing, notification, and cloud service integrations. We integrate with Slack, Teams, Github, GitLab, Atlassian, ServiceNow, Drata, Vanta, Zapier, and cloud connections like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure.

Put security at the centre of your organization by integrating with the most-used tools.

Advanced reporting and analytics provides detailed reports of the pentests they run, and the services they provide, in multiple different formats.

Intruder provides comparable reports alongside analytics within the dashboard, enabling you to easily monitor the state of your security posture over time.

Rated 4.9/5 on G2
See how we compare
What checks does Intruder perform?
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Intruder checks your systems for 75+ web-layer security problems (such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting), 140,000+ infrastructure weaknesses (such as remote code execution flaws), and other security misconfigurations (such as weak encryption configurations, and systems which are unnecessarily exposed). Learn more about what checks we run.

How do emerging threat scans work?
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Intruder’s emerging threat scans check your systems for newly discovered vulnerabilities automatically. This kind of proactive action is essential for businesses that don’t have processes in place to research the latest threats and manually run scans for them. Learn more.

How does Intruder’s continuous penetration testing service work?
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Our team of experienced penetration testers will seek to identify serious weaknesses in your external targets that are undetectable by scanners. Continuous penetration testing is a bolt-on service available to Premium users and is sold and booked by the day. Click here to learn more.

What scanning engine does Intruder use?
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Intruder is powered by industry-leading scanners, including Tenable, Nuclei, OpenVas, and ZAP. Learn more.

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