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Apache Struts — Remote Code Execution — CVE-2017–5638
Vulnerabilities and Threats

Apache Struts — Remote Code Execution — CVE-2017–5638

Chris Wallis
March 9, 2017
min read
On March 7th a critical vulnerability was announced in the Apache Struts framework, a popular web development toolkit that is commonly used…
200,000 websites still affected by three year old security weakness (Heartbleed)
Vulnerabilities and Threats

200,000 websites still affected by three year old security weakness (Heartbleed)

Chris Wallis
January 24, 2017
min read
The Heartbleed vulnerability, renowned for allowing hackers anywhere on the internet to access encrypted communication between websites and…
Intruder Vulnerability Bulletin — PHPMailer, SwiftMailer & ZendFramework Code Execution Vulnerabilities
Vulnerabilities and Threats

Intruder Vulnerability Bulletin — PHPMailer, SwiftMailer & ZendFramework Code Execution Vulnerabilities

David Robinson
January 3, 2017
min read
A number of vulnerabilities were recently discovered, which affect email sending functionality in the following software libraries:
Intruder Vulnerability Bulletin — PHPMailer Code Execution Vulnerability
Vulnerabilities and Threats

Intruder Vulnerability Bulletin — PHPMailer Code Execution Vulnerability

David Robinson
December 27, 2016
min read
A vulnerability in the PHPMailer library was recently discovered, which affects versions of the software before 5.2.18.
Memcached Code Execution Vulnerabilities — Intruder Vulnerability Bulletin
Vulnerabilities and Threats

Memcached Code Execution Vulnerabilities — Intruder Vulnerability Bulletin

David Robinson
November 2, 2016
min read
A number of new vulnerabilities in Memcached were recently discovered, which affect versions of the software before 1.4.33.
The battle for IoT Security has already been lost

The battle for IoT Security has already been lost

Chris Wallis
October 21, 2016
min read
A few weeks ago, the website of popular cyber security journalist Brian Krebs was taken offline by a previously undiscovered botnet, now…
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