
What's new? Product updates from Intruder July 2023

Andy Hornegold
Andy Hornegold
VP of Product

Key Points

Drata and Azure DevOps integrations are live, security advisories are now tracked in the portal and there are some impressive enhancements for you to try. Watch our video for the latest product updates:

More information: Q2 releases and enhancements

Just released

See, track and retest security advisories in the portal. 

For our vanguard and premium customers who used to receive their advisories via email, you can now track them in the portal and have them included in reports!

Advisories are issues discovered and investigated by Intruder's security team. When a member of the security team detects an issue, it will be published in the portal for you to review. Once you have remediated the issue, you can then hit the retest button and the team will check whether you've successfully fixed the issue.

Make decisions faster with these two new dashboard features.

Our new widget on the dashboard helps you prioritize which issue to fix first, highlighting issues with the highest level severity open for the longest period of time. By fixing this issue, you'll see the most impact in improving your cyber hygiene score! 

Generate a point in time report of all your targets and their associated issues used to be a bit difficult. Download a PDF or CSV report of the latest issues for all your targets with a click of a button directly from the dashboard. 

*Coming soon* Check your fixes faster with remediation scans.

It will be faster to verify whether your remediation efforts have been successful. Instead of doing a full scan of an entire target, run a remediation scan to quickly check if you’ve fixed specific issues. 

API security: how basic failings cause breaches

In case you missed Infosecurity Europe 2023 last week, here’s the summary of our talk on API Security: How Basic Failings Cause Breaches. Including our API tips:

  • Visibility: make sure you know what's there​
  • Maintain defense in-depth​
  • Perfect is the enemy of good – start now!​
  • Look at the big picture (i.e not just your APIs)
  • Document all the things ​
  • Monitor: make it continuous (24/7)

Latest product tour and Q&A available on-demand

You can also watch our recent Office Hours: Product Tour and Q&A session that walks new users through the most important features available in the platform. Discover: 

  • Key features and how to get set up correctly to start scanning.
  • Tips and tricks to be as secure as possible.
  • 1:1 Q&A with Support.

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Ultimate Guide to Vulnerability Scanning

Learn everything you need to get started with vulnerability scanning and how to get the most out of your chosen product with our free PDF guide.