
What's new? Product updates from Intruder September 2023

Andy Hornegold
Andy Hornegold
VP of Product

Key Points

Intruder’s list of integrations continues, adding internal targets is now much more intuitive, and remediation scans are live! Watch our video for the latest product updates:

Just released

Add Internal targets to Intruder with ease

Adding internal targets in Intruder has been completely revamped. We have updated the entire 'add target' flow (cloud, external, and internal) UI with our new design system.

Add tags when adding an internal target to keep them organized in a way that suits you. Then, once a target is added you can easily see its status in your targets list.

Read more about internal target improvements here. 

Check your fixes faster with remediation scans 

Running an entire scan to check your fix on one vulnerability isn’t efficient. That’s why we’ve introduced remediation scans. Running an average of 65% faster than a full scan, remediation scans look at a specific vulnerability on associated targets to understand whether you've been successful in closing the gap in your security. This gives you immediate feedback on remediation efforts. 

Feature spotlight - Integrations

Simplicity without compromising security is our goal, so we’ve built a number of integrations that help Intruder plug in to your existing vulnerability management processes and infrastructure more generally. Allowing you to work smarter while being more secure. If you’re not using them already, here is a quick summary of our favorite integrations: 

  • Integrate your cloud environments for continuous visibility across your cloud. Intruder checks for new services every 2 hours and you can set up automated vulnerability scans on new targets.  
  • New issues can be pushed to ticketing systems – like Jira, Github, and Azure DevOps – once they're discovered, allowing you to close the loop in your CI/CD pipeline for security while you build. 
  • Instead of email notifications, you can get instant notifications to Teams and/or slack that alert you of new vulnerabilities, emerging threats and scan statuses so you can stay informed without logging in to the platform. 

Sync with the Intruder API and check out our ever-expanding list of integrations here.

What’s next on the roadmap?

Successful Authentications

We are making fundamental improvements to our authentication workflow. Once released (coming very soon), you’ll be able to:

  • Quickly see the status of an authentication with a screenshot. 
  • Validate your authentication in a fraction of the time it used to take. 

Reporting & Analytics

We’re adding an advanced analytics tab to the Intruder portal, to enhance  our existing reporting capabilities. With this release, you’ll be able to:

  • See how your vulnerability management process has changed over time.
  • Present the progress you've made in your cyber security posture to your team.
  • If progress hasn’t been made, dig into the analytics and find out why.

Security Compliance 101

We’re delighted to announce that Marc Rubbinaccio (Compliance Lead at Secureframe) will be joining Patrick Craston (CTO at Intruder) for our upcoming webinar: Security compliance 101: Vulnerability management and its importance for security compliance.

Here’s some exciting topics we’ll be talking about:

  • What is security compliance?
  • Why is vulnerability management so important?
  • How automation can help streamline your compliance journey?
  • Tools to simplify the vulnerability management process.

Book your spot now

Latest product tour and Q&A available on-demand

You can also watch our recent Office Hours: Product Tour and Q&A session that walks new users through the most important features available in the platform. Discover: 

  • Key features and how to get set up correctly to start scanning.
  • Tips and tricks to be as secure as possible.
  • 1:1 Q&A with Support.

New to Intruder? We help thousands of small companies stay safe every day. Why not try us free for 14 days?

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Ultimate Guide to Vulnerability Scanning

Learn everything you need to get started with vulnerability scanning and how to get the most out of your chosen product with our free PDF guide.