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How serious are the Intel / Meltdown / Spectre flaws?

How serious are the Intel / Meltdown / Spectre flaws?

Chris Wallis
January 5, 2018
min read
We’re only a few days into 2018, and already we have a cyber-security panic on our hands. Predictions about the year ahead being full of...
Just how serious is the “ROBOT Attack”?
Vulnerabilities and Threats

Just how serious is the “ROBOT Attack”?

Daniel Andrew
December 18, 2017
min read
The ROBOT attack. Sounds pretty ominous, right? Choosing catchy names for web-based cryptography (TLS) vulnerabilities has become pretty…
“The Norwegian Government hacked my startup!”

“The Norwegian Government hacked my startup!”

Chris Wallis
December 8, 2017
min read
At least, that’s how the conversation started, on a Whatsapp message early on a Friday evening in October, when a concerned startup founder…
Is Your Web Browser Secretly Mining Bitcoins?

Is Your Web Browser Secretly Mining Bitcoins?

Daniel Andrew
December 1, 2017
min read
This week has seen the seemingly unstoppable surge of the cryptocurrency ‘Bitcoin’ hit over $10,000 for the first time. As private…
Petya or NotPetya, Why is MS17–010 Still Not Patched?
Vulnerabilities and Threats

Petya or NotPetya, Why is MS17–010 Still Not Patched?

Daniel Andrew
June 30, 2017
min read
Petya or NotPetya — How long should it take to patch against a globally recognised exploit, and why are attackers still able to use…
Team Xball — DDoS Extortion Hoax
Vulnerabilities and Threats

Team Xball — DDoS Extortion Hoax

Daniel Andrew
June 15, 2017
min read
“We are the Team Xball and we have chosen your website/network as target for our next DDoS attack.”
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